I have spent last few days thinking, though that's what i do mostly but somehow it sounds the right way to start Blogging!. Still surprised to see myself doing it...at first i was scared not of what i might write but what would folks say...is my english gud enough, am i using the right words...all this bothered me a lot and made me stay back from screaming out my mind aloud...but now...after all that thinkin i mentioned in the start ... i decided, what the heck, did i ever care about it while writing my exams, did i ever really care about what people think especially in a way that would make me restrain myself from doing what i want!! the answer as obvious was a big NO.
Another worry was the fear of the putting my thoughts across...for anyone to read and opine on their own accord...never been someone who is open to opinions on the personal part of life but i think i missed out on lotta good being tht way!
this is just the start, don't worry i ain't planning to brag about myself all the while...plan to put my thoughts about things happening within and around!!